A daily picture and random banter from an entirely far too bored young 20-something pile of atoms. Enjoy, hate, love, cry, cringe and devour because I love it all!
So currently a lot of this thinking and all that other stuff I have been doing is in the works and slowly but surely going to become reality which is just about the coolest thing now! :D. A few minutes ago something happened that I can't speak about that made my..umm WEEK!. I am so happy right now teeheehee.
Princess Rawrragle has pert, volumous and manageable hair!.
Another super simple image but more meaning to it!. I have decided that different shades of me need to converge to make a new one! on my 24th I think its time to destroy+rebuild. I shall become new.
PS. This one would be more complex but im pretty busy getting stuff ready to better things for myself.
In about 35 minutes I will be one year older going from 23 to the almost quarter century 24. This whole month has been harsh as hell on me and I almost lost one of the best reasons for me to keep trying. I say almost because it is a partially lost pillar for me and its hard. I want to change in fact I need to change and I want my 24th year on this earth to be significant. I think I need to grow up a little or maybe a lot.
Princess Rawrragle simply is the best thing in life.
Lately I have not been feeling down anymore but instead just a bit lost. Right now as it stands I am not to sure about a lot of things anymore and just kind of hope for the best as it comes. Do not get me wrong I am pretty happy but just wish I had some stability and certainty in life now.
Here is a set of images of my cranium almost being smashed multiple times (and by different items I may add!) by my lovely little brother. Many people tell me that we do not get along.. including myself.. but the reality is that he did not follow through and smash away so hooray for brotherhood!
PS.. I wonder why he wanted to use a lawnmower hmmm.